
Rekha is a living Bollywood queen who has experienced many rites of passage in the public eye. Through her craft she disrupted the norm aesthetically and politically. She is a legit NorBlack NorWhite style icon who has always kept things outrageous yet classic, performative yet fun and dramatic to the core.

Whether she went the classic Kanchipuram saree route or wore leopard print spandex dripping in 24-carat gold she really brought her looks to life. When we’re bored by the mundane and homogenous looks that some call “style” these days, we are guaranteed to get some inspiration when we pull up an image of Rekha, even if it’s one we’ve looked at a million times.

At a time when being a Bollywood actress came with many critiques on sexuality and female liberation Rekha unapologetically pushed the boundaries of acceptance. Throughout her career she has battled a gross history of patriarchy, nepotism and straight-up bullshit from the industry, but the negativity and gossip never stopped her from moving the way she wished with style and grace.

Bollywood is a wild place that tells stories to millions of people around the world and it isn’t the easiest environment to grow up in, but the south Indian beauty made huge waves in the north Indian-driven industry and has created a special place in our hearts.

There’s a lot more to her story that cements Rekha’s iconic status in our eyes, but that’s for you to read and learn about through her films and personal stories. We promise you that her journey is the real Bollywood story that couldn’t be written.

Words by Mriga Kapadiya & Amrit Kumar of NorBlack NorWhite


