Gemma Cairney.

Gemma Cairney.


Gemma Cairney

Gemma is a DJ, BBC broadcaster, writer and all-round ray of absolute sunshine. She hosts regular shows on 6 Music and her written musings can be found on Gem’s Page.


How are you feeling about things in general at the minute?

On a surface level, I’m alright. I feel thankful that I am.

On a deeper level, I’m so disgusted by some things in the world that I find myself reaching for the positives every day. I find it in the proven strength of humankind, the incredible resources out there and the power of healing. So much of it is rooted in love.

What for you were some of the difficulties of the last 18 months that you’d be comfortable discussing? 

In short, grief and all that comes with it. It can be all-consuming, but working with its delicacies and nuances, I’ve found that it can be transformative at the same time.

You were like a ray of sunshine on the radio over lockdown. Where did you turn to keep your energy/spirits up?

I’m lucky that I have a job that connects me to the best sides of people. The side that finds joy and solace in music. The side that yearns for chat and ideas and understands the sense of togetherness that live radio brings. Radio is magic, as is music, combine it for a few hours, and I feel honoured to be part of it. Especially during an epidemic of loneliness that I think has been around a lot longer than the pandemic.

Have you received any really good life/work/spiritual guidance lately or guidance you’ve always lived by?

There are all sorts. A big mish-mash of advice, people, books, therapeutic and holistic things that I take pretty seriously—both spiritually and practically. 

Things like not feeling weird or apologetic about needing time alone or saying no. Always keep a curious and open mind. I try to integrate what I need in my life to feel safe, understood and supported. 

These things are just as important as what patriarchal and imperialistic structures would have us strive for, like money, power or sex. 

How has the last 18 months influenced your outlook on life moving forward?

That holding on and learning through a crisis is something I could never have imagined.

What is your cultural balm for when you’re feeling overwhelmed?

The Holistic Psychologist on Instagram. Any podcast featuring Gabor Mate. I’m revisiting the sheer epicness of queer feminist Audre Lorde’s words in Sister Outsider, a collection of her essays. It makes me cry at the same time as it galvanises any angst and turns it into grounding. I always, always reach for soul music, too. I make endless playlists.

Is there a food dish you always turn to when you need comfort?

Dry white wine and a seafood platter.

You seem like you have such a positive and beautiful outlook on life. How do you protect this and cultivate it when the world can feel very heavy?

I’ve found carving time to process things has been very valuable.

What gives you hope?

Friendship, my mates’ brilliant kids, the sea and waking up in a home filled with love. Plus, the hard work of so many amazing people around and before us who make/made hope tangible.
